
Mobile Plan

There are 4 main telecom operators in Slovakia: O2, Telekom, Orange, 4ka and Radosť (we advise you to visit their office, as these pages are only in Slovak language)

The area of Slovakia is well covered by signal (except very remote areas)

More information about Slovak mobile plans can be found here.

Internet Connection

Wi-fi is provided free of charge at the campus (TUNET-guest and eduroam).

More information is available at (QR code): https://uvt.tuke.sk/wps/portal/uv/sluzby/bezdrotove-siete-wifi-na-tuke

Covid 19

All the necessary information for Covid 19, and test sites like Ag and PCR you can found on this page: Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Slovak Republic - Koronavírus a Slovensko (gov.sk)

PCR testing is 45 EUR, and you can book your test here. Some insurance companies cover the price of a PCR test if a medical specialist requests it.
