Other Transport


You can download the Ubian app or the Antik Smartway app to buy tickets easily through your phone with a discount. In these apps, you can also search for routes. While Ubian is more practical in planning your route and enables you to add money or a monthly ticket to your ISIC card, Antik gives you 5 minutes extra of your scooter ride with every bought bus ticket.


  • Easy taxi – price for a ride from 3€, +421 919 333 333
  • Unitaxi - price for a ride from 4€, +421 940 515 151
  • Taxi-plus - +421 903 998 998

Bolt App.

We recommend downloading the app for easier and faster use.
Order a ride 24/7 | Bolt

Green Transport

Moving around the City: Shared Services

As part of the green policy, you are encouraged to use shared bikes and electric scooters in Košice. The shared services are operated by:

Electric scooter: Bolt
