

TUKE recommendations are as follows:

  • EU citizens should consult with their bank experts on how to use debit/credit cards issued in their home country within payments and ATM withdrawals at the host country concerning usage and responding fees. 
  • Non-EU citizens should also consult with their home bank, though it is recommended to open a bank account in the Slovak Republic (e.g.: a student to receive a grant).

More information is available at (QR code):

Financial Support/Scholarship

TUKE has its own scholarship scheme.

Information and conditions about state-covered university social scholarships up to 300 EUR/month are available

ERASMUS+International Internships and Mobilities for the TUKE students (including international) and students from partner countries

The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic supports study/research/teaching/artistic mobility of international students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists at higher education institutions and research organisations. It supports two-way mobility - international scholarship holders to Slovakia, as well as Slovak scholarship holders abroad. The programme offers scholarships to cover living costs during the stay and travel allowances (all categories in case of scholarship holders from Slovakia; students and PhD students in case of international scholarship holders). National Scholarship Programme - Home (

Prepare Your Budget

The average cost for a university dormitory: 135 -150 €/ month (rental apartments, Airbnb 200-600 €/ month).

The average daily spendings on food in university cafeteria is 5€, in restaurants 10-15€, homemade food is 5-10€

 CategoryMin €Max €
Rental135 € dormitories600€ apartment*
Food5€ cafeteria/ home cooked 3-5€ / 200€ months8-20€ restaurant /1 menu food (300€)
Transport10€ months30€ months
Train / basicfree20 € - if there is no free ticket
Calls + internet15€45€

 * Price for single occupancy

The expected spending of Slovak university students per week is from 30-100€ (for social and cultural life)

Monthly minimum budget: 390€

Monthly maximum budget: 890€

Discounted Transport in Košice

Within the city you will have a student DISCOUNT VIA ISIC – the discount on transport needs to be activated at school “attached to the card reader” in Main Hall (black). Then you can buy a 30–day ticket for 10€ or a ticket for 3 months for 26,50€. You can use the Ubian application or got to the city's public transport facility Predpredaj, Rooseveltova č. 3 (opening time Monday till Friday 07:00-18:00 working days))

City Exploring

Travelling within Slovakia on your own as or part of e.g.: guided group with ESN is very affordable.

InfoPoint: Hlavná 48, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia 

Trip and social – cultural program with ESN: ESN Košice

You can also check: Local Private tour guide, Local Private Tour Guide | Kosice, Slovakia | Juraj B. (
