
None of the images referenced on this page are the property of the Technical University of Košice. All rights to these images remain with their original copyright holders, and their respective licenses are provided in the heading of each section. The only alteration made to these images was resizing them for visualization purposes. Any concerns regarding copyright or licensing should be directed to the original content creators provided for each picture.

License CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed

License CC BY-SA 3.0 Deed

Pexels License

  • The picture on the main page in section "Public Transport" as well as the one top of this page belongs to Guvluck and was download from here.

Pixabay License

  • The picture on the main page in section "Discover Slovakia" as well as the one top of this page belongs to goosyphoto and was download from here.
  • The picture on the main page in section "Food" as well as the one top of this page belongs to RitaE and was download from here.
  • The picture on the main page in section "Healthcare" as well as the one top of this page belongs to 12019 and was download from here.
  • The picture on the main page in section "Culture" as well as the one top of this page belongs to jhraskon and was download from here.
  • The picture on the main page in section "Other" as well as the one top of this page belongs to USA-Reiseblogger and was download from here.
