
Emergency Contacts

  • 112 Emergency calls of all types
  • 150 Fire Service
  • 155 Ambulance, First Aid
  • 158 Police
  • 159 City Police
  • 18 155 Air Rescue Service
  • 18 300 Mountain Rescue Service
  • 0123 Emergency Service
  • 154 Road Emergency
  • 12111 Information


  • EU citizens should have their own European Health Insurance Card and travel insurance.
  • Non-EU citizens should have their own commercial insurance and medical expenses coverage.
Fakulta Košice + Prešov health service Tips (good to know)
Emergency in Košice:Národná trieda 27open until 22.30 also during Saturday and Sunday Toryská 1 street: open 24 hours a day 365 days a year  Emergency in Prešov:Jurkovičova 19 street: Medical emergency services in Prešov. Operates 24/7 also on holidays and weekends.
Pharmacy and Doctors visits
List of pharmacies in Košice Lekárne - Košice — List of pharmacies in Prešov Lekárne - Prešov — List of doctors in Košice - Zoznam lekárov List of doctors in Prešov - Zoznam lekárov  
Emergency Numbers / phone for SR   For fast emergency call (of all types): 112 112 Emergency calls 150 Fire Service 155 Ambulance, First Aid 158 Police 159 City Police 18 155 Air Rescue Service 18 300 Mountain Rescue Service 0123 Emergency Service 154 Road Emergency 12111 Information

The Slovak Republic health care providers recognise different types of health insurance valid in other countries. All students entering the Slovak Republic are strongly recommended to arrange their own health insurance for the period of their study stay abroad.

Health insurance should be arranged in a student’s home country before departure. Health insurance should cover health, accidents and hospital care.

EU citizens should have their own European Health Insurance Card.

Non-EU citizens should have their own commercial insurance, and medical expenses coverage.

More information is available at (QR code):

Complementary Health Coverage

It is recommended to arrange Complementary Health Coverage.

More information is available at (QR code):

Medical Facilities - Košice

Emergency Rooms

Národná trieda 27 street

This emergency ambulance also consists of a pharmacy open until 22:30 all week. Emergency ambulances operate 24/7. Please visit the emergency room only if your condition is acute. Otherwise, make an anappointment with a doctor.

Toryská 1 street

This emergency ambulance also consists of a pharmacy open until 22:30 all week. Emergency ambulances operate 24/7. Please visit emergency room only if your condition is acute. Otherwise, make an appointment with a doctor.

In Slovak look for the saying “Pohotovostná ambulancia”.


Many pharmacies close in the afternoon, but few are open until 22:30 even on the weekends. Make sure to check the opening hours before visiting a pharmacy.

In Slovak look for the saying “Lekáreň”

List of pharmacies in Košice Lekárne - Košice —


For a doctor´s visit, it is recommended you make an appointment by telephone.

List of doctors in Košice - Zoznam lekárov


In Slovak, look for the saying “Nemocnica”.


Medical Facilities - Prešov

Emergency Rooms

Jurkovičova 19 street

Emergency ambulances operate 24/7. Please visit the emergency room only if your condition is acute. Otherwise, make an appointment with a doctor.

In Slovak look for the saying “Pohotovostná ambulancia”.


Many pharmacies close in the afternoon, but few are open until 22:30 even on the weekends. Make sure to check the opening hours before visiting a pharmacy. In Slovak, look for the saying “Lekáreň”

List of pharmacies in Prešov Lekárne - Prešov —


List of doctors in Prešov - Zoznam lekárov


In Slovak, look for the saying “Nemocnica”.
