Contact Details

The Division of International Relations and mobility operates the International Welcome Office.

TUKE Division of International Relations and Motility at the Rectorate is located in the main building within university campus. It also serves as Erasmus+ office. Staff can direct you to faculty IROs if need be.

More information is available at (QR code):, or

The University's International Welcome Office (IWO) is the physical point of contact for international students, PhD students, visiting academics, and international guests of the University. The main objective of the centre will be to facilitate the integration of international students and staff coming to the University and its environment and community, to create a space for intensive intercultural dialogue and to organize activities promoting the interest of students and staff to further their education and personal growth, to engage in educational and research activities and international mobility.                                                            

The IWO will provide continuous support to international students and staff, provide information and consultancy services for their smooth arrival and stay in Slovakia, and contribute to maintaining their contact with the University after their departure from Slovakia.

The IWO Centre will provide its advice both physically and online. It will also include a Relax Zone where international students and visitors to the university will have the opportunity not only to relax while waiting for lectures but also to network and gain a sense of being a part of the university. During its activities, the IWO will cooperate with organisations representing European research and mobility activities, student organisations (Student Council of Universities, ESN, BEST, IAESTE, etc. - as the university's contact office for these organisations), as well as with embassies abroad (Slovak) and at home (foreign) and other professional institutions. During the project, the IWO will focus on cooperation with the concerned authorities and institutions (e.g.: Foreign Police, Social Insurance Office, etc.) and will set up efficient processes to ensure the smooth running of formalities related to the stay of foreign persons at the university.                                                           

The main part of the premises and activities will be located in Košice, with a branch office in Prešov. The Centre will consist of office space, meeting rooms, a seminar room and a recording studio (in Košice) and will be equipped with modern telecommunication and collaboration technology. The project foresees the establishment of the IWO and its Relax Zone (including the necessary building modifications and equipment) and the financing of its operation during the entire project implementation period. For the successful implementation of the activity, its integration with other project activities will be necessary.
